Mr ENTSCH: Last week was National Volunteer Week, and, on Friday 24 May, I had the distinct pleasure of attending and presenting the FNQ Volunteer of the Year Awards at the Novatel in Cairns. It was a fabulous and well-attended evening where the community was able to come together and recognise those people and organisations who go the extra mile and give so generously of their time and their skills. I’d like to extend my congratulations to all the nominees and the finalists for this year’s awards, and I’d like now to take the opportunity to recognise the winners in their respective categories.
Precious Moyo won the Youth Changemaker award, Jim Ritchie won the Community Champion award, Elizabeth Groves won the Wisdom Warrior award, Dennis Winn won the Innovator Impact award, Deborah Pergolotti won the Legacy Builder award, Allison Worrel won the Excellence in Volunteer Management award and lastly OzHarvest received the Community Project Award for their market rescue team’s efforts. Every week they rescue food from Rusty’s Markets that would otherwise go into landfill. It’s packed, refrigerated and given away to local charities. I’d like to take the opportunity to congratulate FNQ Volunteers, who were the organisers of this event. It was a great success, and I once again give a big thankyou to all the volunteers across our region for all the outstanding work they do. They certainly make a difference.