FAR Northern apprentices, people looking for a new career, and employers will now get more help than ever before with the Australian Apprenticeship Support Network starting today.
Federal Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch said the Apprenticeship Network was the Australian Government’s new programme to help employers to recruit, train and retain apprentices.
“Apprenticeship Network services will be available through four organisations in the Far North – MRAEL Ltd, Chambers Apprenticeship Support Australia, MEGT (Australia) Ltd and Skill360 Australia/Busy at Work. Between them they’ll cover Cairns, Manunda and Bamaga as well as Thursday, Badu, Warraber and Yam Islands in the Torres Strait,” Mr Entsch said.
“MRAEL Ltd will also offer outreach services in Weipa and Cooktown together with Boigu, Coconut, Darnley, Dauan, Hammond, Horn, Murray, Stephen and Yorke Islands.
“Through outreach, they’ll be able to provide a whole range of support services using face-to-face communication, online technologies and phone calls.
“It’s a great opportunity to help make sure that people complete their apprenticeships. The Apprenticeship Network providers will be targeting support services to the specific needs of employers and apprentices, from before they begin right through to completion.”
These include:
- new pre-commencement services that will match the right apprentice with the right apprenticeship and the right employer;
- new in-training assistance, including mentoring, that will help apprentices at-risk of non-completion, and employers, to work through obstacles; and
- new assistance for those who may be unsuited to an apprenticeship to identify an alternative pathway.
“These reforms mean that Leichhardt’s 2700 apprentices will get to realise the full benefits of an apprenticeship, and the rewarding careers that can come as a result,” Mr Entsch said.
“I’m looking forward to working with the four new Apprenticeship Network providers in our region.”
Assistant Minister for Education and Training Senator the Hon Simon Birmingham said the Apprenticeship Network was part of the Australian Government’s significant reform of apprenticeship support.
“The Australian Government has also introduced Trade Support Loans of up to $20,000 each to help apprentices with the costs of living and tools while undertaking an apprenticeship, and is providing financial incentives to around 80,000 employers of apprentices each year,” Senator Birmingham said.
“These services, which are being delivered from more than 100 extra locations around the country, will help apprentices and employers to navigate the training system, making it easier for people to become an apprentice, and for business to employ apprentices.”
For more information please visit www.australianapprenticeships.gov.au or call the referral line on 13 38 73.