Three Cairns organisations have been successful under the Morrison Government’s Veteran and Community Grants program.
Veteran and Community Grants are for activities and services that improve the health and wellbeing of members of the veteran community.
They can also fund programs that reduce social isolation, support carers and improve access to community services.
Federal Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch said the three successful organisations, Kapani Warriors, RSL Edge Hill/Cairns West Sub-Branch and RSL Cairns Sub-Branch were all extremely worth recipients.
He said the programs provided through local organisations are an important factor to ensuring veterans and their families continue to get the support that they need.
“Congratulations to the successful applicants for this round and thank you for the ongoing support that you offer to the veteran community,” Mr Entsch said.
“Kapani Warriors have secured $109,982 to run 10 three-day camps for veterans in the Cairns region to connect and participate in outdoor activates and improve wellbeing.
“RSL Edge Hill/Cairns West Sub-Branch have secured $17,300 to run health and wellbeing classes for veterans and their carers at a Veteran Unit Complex in Cairns.
“The RSL Cairns Sub-Branch received $9800 to provide a monthly healthy breakfast and wellbeing program for Veterans and their families on the Cairns Esplanade.
“This is fantastic for the veterans and their families in my electorate and I encourage them to engage with some of these projects.”
Federal Veterans’ Affairs Minister Darren Chester said the three Cairns organisations were among the 111 organisations to share in more than $2.4 million for projects that support a healthy lifestyle for veterans and their families.
“The grants program helps ex-service organisations, veterans groups, community and private organisations deliver activities and services for local veterans to help maintain their mental and physical health,” Mr Chester said.
“Central to supporting our veterans and their families is the partnership between government and community organisations, and these grants will fund important projects and also give organisations the opportunity to expand services.
“These important projects and programs are making a real difference in the lives of our veterans and their families, thank you to all who applied for this round and I encourage communities and ex-service organisations to apply for the next round of grants.”