ARE you in a tourism?related business or organisation? Do you have a project or product that needs ‘freshening up’? If so, Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch is urging you to apply for a Tourism Quality Projects grant (T?QUAL Grant), with the 2013 round now open.
T?QUAL Grants are an integral part of the Australian Government’s Tourism 2020 strategy to increase overnight visitor expenditure to $115?$140 billion by 2020.
“The program is part of the Tourism 2020 initiative and it aims to help tourism businesses boost visitation, by ensuring their products and experiences remain fresh and of a high standard,” Mr Entsch said.
“It’s pretty competitive but we’ve had several successful projects in the past from the establishment of Djabugay Rain Forest Tours in Barron Gorge National Park, to the eco?friendly family accommodation at the BIG4 Cairns Crystal Cascades Holiday Park and the Cairns ZOOm adventure challenge within Cairns Wildlife Dome Zoo.”
Administered by the Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism, the program is a merit?based program aimed at stimulating sustainable economic growth in the Australian tourism industry.
Grants from $15,000?$100,000 (GST exclusive) are offered on a matched dollar for dollar funding basis. As with previous rounds, the 2013 round will be highly competitive and only the highest quality projects and applications will be successful.
Applications close on 3rd May, 2013, and more information on the Program Guidelines, Application Form and YouTube presentations are available at
“I’d also urge local businesses to keep an eye out for the next round of the Tourism Industry Regional Development Fund Grants, which will open later in 2013,” Mr Entsch said.