FEDERAL MP Warren Entsch is encouraging anyone who is concerned about available and affordable childcare to urgently make a submission to the Standing Committee on Education and Employment’s inquiry into the Early Years Quality Fund Special Account Bill 2013.
“Spending $300 million to boost the wages of childcare workers sounds great, but dig a little deeper and you’ll see this is an absolutely flawed policy,” Mr Entsch said.
“100 days before the election and the government is trying to rush through legislation that would increase the pay for a minority of educators by up to $6 per hour notably, those who belong to the United Voice union. Meanwhile, up to 60 per cent of dedicated educators in the long day care sector will receive no increase at all.
“This is unfair and discriminatory, and it’s only going to create division in a sector which is already under stress and striving to meet the legislative requirements of the National Quality Framework.
“We all know about Labor’s cronyism with the unions and this is a prime example. United Voice’s coffers are overflowing as people rush to pay the $572 annual membership fee to take advantage of the pay rise.”
Mr Entsch said he recognised that the child care sector was having difficulties in filling positions one large provider has had to go offshore to find enough teachers to fill their positions, and a further 500 teachers are needed across Australia by the end of this year.
“Early learning development is absolutely vital for children,” Mr Entsch said. “We must encourage teachers to enter this industry with equitable conditions and fair pay rates across the board not pander to the unions at their expense.”
Submissions must be received by COB Friday 7th June, please email the Standing Committee on Education and Employment at ee.reps@aph.gov.au