The Morrison Government is investing $25 million in the Torres Strait to construct seawalls, repair and maintain jetties, and re-establish ferry services between Saibai and Dauan islands.
Federal Indigenous Australians Minister Ken Wyatt said the investments will reduce the risk of flooding in the region and improve safety of school children and local families.
“The Torres Strait is facing an ever-present risk of inundation and deteriorating marine landings is making life more difficult in the region,” Mr Wyatt said.
“The Morrison Government is working in cooperation with the Queensland Government to deliver significant infrastructure upgrades that address critical needs for the people of the Torres Strait.
“The seawalls will stabilise the coast and protect the islands from sea flooding and the renewed jetties and ferry service will mean children have a safer ride to and from school.”
Federal Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch said it was great to see the Morrison Government working in partnership with local stakeholders in the Torres Strait to ensure critical infrastructure is being delivered.
He said the projects will be delivered through the Torres Strait Regional Authority, Torres Strait Islands Regional Council and with the participation of Gur A Baradharaw Kod Torres Strait Sea and Land Council.
“These projects will provide a big boost to the local economy, create local jobs, and dramatically improve the liveability but most importantly the safety for the local residents,” Mr Entsch said.
“Importantly, they will support local employment, businesses and training opportunities for local families.”
“The Torres Strait Regional Authority has a proven track record of delivering remote and complex construction projects and actively engage the local community and Indigenous workers in the delivery of capital works.”
“This funding will also assist the Torres Strait Regional Authority to establish a Regional Infrastructure Governance Group to better coordinate future State and Commonwealth infrastructure investments in the region.”
“This group will ensure all parties are at the table and that Traditional Owners have a say from the very beginning of planning on the projects that best address their needs.”