Mr ENTSCH (Leichhardt) (3.39 pm)-Mr Speaker, on indulgence, I wish to make a short statement. I spoke earlier in acknowledging the contribution of a whole range of people in this House. There is one that I held off recognising because I thought it would be appropriate, with a number of our colleagues here today, to do so now. I recognise the contribution of our parliamentary doctor, the member for Moore, Dr Mal Washer. I wanted to bring to the attention of the House the fact that he has taken on that role. He treats members of both sides of the House. He pays his own medical insurance.
As an example of the contribution that he has made, today he has seen seven patients from both sides, and he never charges for his services. He has been an outstanding advocate for all of us in this place in relation to stress and long hours, and ensuring that our health is maintained. I would like to recognise his outstanding contribution to this place and register on behalf of all members of the House the strong appreciation we have for that extra contribution. Thank you very much.