Round 4 of the Stronger Communities Program is now open and local community groups are urged to put in a bid for grants that will help them undertake small infrastructure projects or purchase much-needed equipment for clubs and facilities.
Federal Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch said the recent Federal Budget allocated an additional $22.5 million toward the program and described it as a major boost for small groups and clubs in Far North Queensland.
“The extra funding for a fourth round of SCP will ensure that local knowledge and decision-making continues to play a decisive role in funding community-building projects,” he said.
“Our region has been very successful under previous rounds of the Stronger Communities Programe, seeing projects like the Port Douglas Football Club Scoreboard upgrade, Clifton Beach Tennis Club upgrade, the fit out of the Volunteer Marine Rescue base at Weipa and the installation of solar panels at West Cairns Bowls Club.
“Grants of between $2,500 and $20,000 can now be applied for so I’m inviting eligible Far Northern organisations to put forward projects for assessment that will have a real benefit for their members and local users.”
It is critical to note that there is a two-step process for applicants – firstly, an Expression of Interest form must be completed and returned to Mr Entsch’s office by 9am, Monday 27th August, 2018.
To request a copy of the EOI form, applicants should contact Mr Entsch’s office on 07 4051 2220 or email
Mr Entsch has partnered with Building Active Connected Communities FNQ (BACC), an initiative of the Bendigo Bank, which has been supporting local organisations through small grants and sustainable revenue streams for many years.
The BACC Committee will independently assess the Expressions of Interest against the criteria and prioritise projects. These shortlisted projects, totalling up to $150,000, will then be invited by Mr Entsch to complete a formal online application.
BACC chairman Andrew Cornes said the Committee was always impressed with the range and quality of local projects and were keen to see what Round 4 would bring.
“This is a fantastic opportunity for local groups whose small capital works or infrastructure projects will have broad benefits for the community – I’d urge them to get involved,” he said.
Applicants must provide matching cash or in‐kind funding on at least a dollar‐for‐dollar basis, and ensure they meet the eligibility guidelines.
Grant guidelines, eligibility requirements and the application process can be found at, and will also be provided with the EOI form through Mr Entsch’s office.