Kelly O’Dwyer MP, Federal Member for Higgins and a director of Bowls Australia, together with the Hon Bronwyn Bishop MP, Shadow Minister for Seniors, jointly tabled a petition with over 37,000 signatures calling on the ABC to bring bowls back on to the ABC program schedule last week in parliament.
The Hon Warren Entsch MP, Federal Member for Leichhardt was pleased that so many far north Queenslanders had returned the petitions.
“Lawn Bowls is a very big sport in my electorate and I was so pleased to present my colleagues with petitions from some of our local bowls clubs. Participation in Lawn Bowls within Far North Queensland ensures players stay active and live healthier lives while also providing the communities a great local club.
“Here in Far North Queensland we have 24 clubs and I have visited many of these clubs to see firsthand the level of support from the community that this petition has.
“We have received a number of signatures and have forwarded these to Ms O’Dwyer and I met with some of my colleagues in Canberra last week with the over 37,000 signatures tabled for the first round.
“Bowls is a sport played by people of all ages, and it is a great opportunity for interaction between older and younger Australians. I look forward to receiving more petitions from our local clubs that we can table in parliament house in the New Year.
“I encourage the community to sign this petition to ensure this Australian sport is not ignored and let’s get Lawn Bowls back on the ABC. Copies of this petition can be found at or at your local bowls club.” Mr Enstch said.