• Tropical North Queensland Local Investment Plan approved
• Grant round opens 31 May
• Funding for local infrastructure, business innovation and skills and training
THE grants round for the $20 million Tropical North Queensland Regional Jobs and Investment Package (RJIP) will open for applications on 31 May, following the publication of the committee’s Local Investment Plan.
“I thank the Tropical North Queensland Local Planning Committee for all their hard work,” the Minister for Regional Development, Fiona Nash, said today. “Their plan is based on comprehensive local knowledge of the Tropical North Queensland region.
“The TNQ Local Investment Plan will ensure that projects that are funded align with local priorities. This is a great opportunity for the community to submit applications for key projects that will boost the local economy and create jobs.”
Federal Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch said the Committee has developed a Local Investment Plan that is targeted, opportunity-focused and will create sustainable employment in a range of growth industries into the future.
“I have to congratulate the Committee, they’ve led the way in working quickly to identify the priority industries for investment through the FNQ RJIP and this has now been signed off by the Minister,” Mr Entsch explained.
“Through reviewing a number of local planning documents, along with a range of statistical reports and sources, they have listed the key industries as:
• Creative Arts and Cultural Industries
• Building & Construction
• Defence & Marine
• Education & Training
• Health
• Tourism
“Now that the Local Investment Plan is done and will be published shortly on the business.gov.au website, applications from the TNQ region can start to roll in.”
Funding will be available across three streams:
• Local infrastructure – These grants are for local government bodies and agencies and not-for-profit organisations to invest in new or upgraded infrastructure projects. These projects will capitalise on opportunities for growth, deliver long-term economic benefits to regional communities, and create jobs.
• Business innovation – These grants are for local businesses to build scale and capability to be competitive in new or growing markets and create sustainable employment.
• Skills and training – These grants are for local government bodies and agencies and not-for-profit organisations to support training and upskilling of the regional workforce to meet regional priorities, take advantage of emerging opportunities and withstand major labour market changes.
Applications must be submitted between 31st May and 31st July 2017, with successful applicants expected to be announced 3-6 months after that. Applicants will then need to enter into a funding agreement with the Department of Regional Development.
“It’s anticipated that there will be one round of grants, any additional rounds will be dependent on funding being available,” Mr Entsch said. “However I’m expecting a very strong response given the level of interest that has already been shown.”
The minimum grant value is $50,000 for the Business Innovation and the Local Infrastructure rounds, there is no minimum for the Skills and Training stream. Applicants are expected to be able to provide matched funding either through their own contribution, or from third parties. Organisations can find out more about their eligibility by downloading the RJIP Guidelines from the Business.gov.au website.
“We aim to harness the broad range of skills in the Tropical North Queensland region to create more jobs and export opportunities, and I’m looking forward to seeing what kinds of applications are put forward,” said Mr Entsch.
“I’m really pleased to be part of a government which is giving our region a $20 million shot in the arm.”
For more information and to read more about the Local Investment Plan for Tropical North Queensland visit the Regional Jobs and Investment Package website.