Tuberculosis Motion

MR ENTSCH: I move: (1) notes that: (a) 24 March is World Tuberculosis (TB) Day, a day to commemorate the precious lives lost due to TB, a disease that is preventable and curable; (b) TB is contagious and airborne—it is the world’s leading infectious disease killer and kills more people than HIV/AIDS; (c) in 2017…

World Ranger Day

MR ENTSCH: It gives me great pleasure today to rise and speak about World Ranger Day. World Ranger Day was held on Wednesday, 31 July and is an initiative of the Thin Green Line Foundation. The Thin Green Line Foundation supports park rangers within Australia and overseas, including in conflict zones. World Ranger Day is…

Beauty of Leichhardt to be showcased again in the ninth annual Community Calendar Competition

From fields of sunflowers in Cairns to the turquoise coral cays of the Torres Strait and everywhere in between, the electorate of Leichhardt boasts some of the most stunning scenery in Australia. Combine that with our vibrant communities, local characters and huge variety of tropical species and it’s clear that local photographers seeking inspiration are…

Coalition Government to directly fund councils in historic $105 million remote indigenous housing initiative

The Morrison Government will deliver a historic $105 million investment directly to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Councils to fund remote Indigenous housing. This funding represents 50 per cent of the amount needed to addresses current overcrowding issues in remote indigenous communities. Federal Indigenous Affairs Minister Nigel Scullion said the Queensland Labor Government’s petulance and…

Entsch delivers crucial $5 million for Torres Strait sea walls

The Coalition Government is backing traditional owners and investing $5 million to construct sea walls in the Torres Strait to support local employment, businesses and training opportunities for local families. The funding for this project has been allocated out of existing resources within the Indigenous Advancement Strategy. The investment will be delivered via a partnership between…

World Tuberculosis Day

MR ENTSCH: It is a tragic fact that, although tuberculosis is a preventable and curable disease, 10 million people on this planet develop it every year, of whom about 1.6 million die. TB is a disease that most people thought was a thing of the past and is isolated to small pockets in some more…

Federal government to fund new Community Health and Hospitals Programs across Far North Queensland

The federal government will improve the health and care of patients in Far North Queensland with a guaranteed $1.25 billion boost to health services. Under the program the government will partner with local community providers, health and hospital services and research institutions, such as James Cook University and CQUniversity, to provide additional funding in four…