Boost to mental health services in Cairns

Far North Queenslanders will have easier access to mental health support with the Morrison Government today announcing a new Head to Health adult mental health service in the area. Federal Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch welcomed the announcement of additional mental health services, which will be a major boost to community-based mental health services. “The Morrison…

Morrison Government to deliver multi-million dollar Griffiths Park upgrade

The Morrison Government will partner with the Cairns Cricket Association and Queensland Cricket to redevelop Griffiths Park at Manunda. The Morrison Government will invest $1.7 million towards the project with Cairns Cricket Association contributing $100,000 and Queensland Cricket contributing $100,000. Federal Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch said the Griffiths Park redevelopment project would benefit players, members…

The sky’s the limit for Far North Queensland

The Morrison Government continues to boost Northern Australia with the announcement of more successful projects under the Northern Australia Development Program. Federal Agriculture and Northern Australia Minister David Littleproud said the Northern Australia Development Program has been a resounding success and will provide almost $88 million in total funding to assist businesses in the Far…

Sporting Schools keeping Far North Queensland youth active

The extension of the Morrison Government’s popular Sporting Schools Program will see more children across Cairns and Far North Queensland participate in free sport activities. The program, which is delivered in partnership with 37 national sporting organisations, helps schools deliver a range of high-quality, inclusive, and diverse sporting activities to primary school students along with…

New projects to protect Far North Queensland native species

The Northern Quoll and Golden-shouldered Parrot are set to benefit from $383,619 in funding for two projects in Far North Queensland thanks to the Morrison Government’s Threatened Species Strategy Action Plan. Federal Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch said Far North Queensland NRM, in partnership with Australian Wildlife Conservancy and the Western Yalanjo Aboriginal Corporation, will receive…

Morrison Government delivers reinsurance pool to drive down insurance premiums

The Morrison Government will further ease cost of living pressures for Far North Queenslanders after legislation to establish the reinsurance pool for cyclone and related flood damage passed parliament. More than 880,000 residential, strata and small business property insurance policies across Northern Australia are expected to be covered for the risk of cyclone and related…