Far North Queenslanders now have free access to advice and assistance on telecommunications issues thanks to the launch this week of the Regional Tech Hub.
Federal Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch said the Regional Tech Hub will help regional Australians understand the telecommunications options available to them, decide which option best suits their needs, and resolve problems they experience with their phone and internet connections.
“The Regional Tech Hub delivers on the Morrison Government’s commitment to help improve the digital literacy of Australians in regional, rural and remote areas by providing a one-stop source of independent, practical advice,” Mr Entsch said.
“I urge all Far North Queenslanders needing practical advice on their telecommunications options and issues to see how the Regional Tech Hub can help.”
Federal Regional Communications Minister Mark Coulton said the Morrison Government is committed to improving digital connectivity and access to the internet for all Australians.
“The Regional Tech Hub is an important part of our approach to ensuring people understand all the options available to them, from mobile networks to the NBN Sky Muster Plus,” Mr Coulton said.
The Regional Tech Hub has been funded as part of the government’s $220 million Stronger Regional Digital Connectivity Program, which was announced in March 2019 in response to the recommendations of the 2018 Regional Telecommunications Review.
The National Farmers’ Federation was selected to develop and run the Hub following a tender process earlier this year.
The NFF is working closely with the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network to ensure the information provided through the Hub is practical, relevant and easily accessible.
The NFF has been contracted to deliver the Tech Hub for an initial 12 months with an option for a further two-year extension.
For further information visit www.regionaltechhub.org.au or phone 1300 081 029 to see how the hub can assist you.