FAR Northern community groups, not-for-profits and local government organisations are being urged to put in a bid for funding for small infrastructure projects under the Australian Government’s new Stronger Communities Programme.
Federal Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch MP said the Programme, announced in this year’s Budget, will deliver $150,000 per year for two years to fund small capital projects which deliver social benefits.
“This is an exciting opportunity for locals to work with me to identify potential projects which will contribute to our community’s long term vibrancy and viability,” Mr Entsch said.
“I’ve teamed up with Cairns Community Enterprise – an initiative of the Bendigo Bank – and we’re now calling on the community to identify proposals through an Expression of Interest process.
“Together, we’ll be focused on making sure that this funding delivers the best possible outcomes for the Far North.”
Cairns Community Enterprise chairman Stephen Devenish said the fund had been working to support small projects in the community for many years. To date, CCE has provided more than $728,000 to not-for-profit organisations for the overall benefit of the community.
“The aims of CCE align very well with the Stronger Communities Programme,” Mr Devenish said.
“Our grant assessment committee members already have a very good knowledge of the projects that are taking place around Far North Queensland and the organisations that are driving them.
“We’re very keen to work with Mr Entsch on this programme as there will be significant, long term benefits for local communities in our region.”
Applicants can apply for funding of at least $5,000 and up to a maximum of $20,000 and must provide matching cash or in-kind funding on at least a dollar-for-dollar basis.
Mr Entsch said that organisations must submit their Expression of Interest to his office by 5pm on Monday 31st August.
The EOI form is available to download on his website, or a fillable form can be emailed to applicants – please send requests to warren.entsch.mp@aph.gov.au
“In consultation with the CCE board, we’ll select the proposals that are considered to have the highest priority and then invite them to formally apply online for funding,” Mr Entsch said.
The applications will then be assessed against the Programme Guidelines by the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development to ensure that approved projects represent value for money.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to read the Stronger Communities Programme guidelines and the Frequently Asked Questions which are available below, or through the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development at http://www.infrastructure.gov.au/SCP