Far North Queensland communities impacted by the 2019 monsoon trough event will receive a much-needed funding boost to deliver local infrastructure projects.
More than $7.9 million in funding has been allocated towards 20 local projects across four council regions to ensure communities can better withstand extreme weather events.
These projects are being delivered through the $242 million exceptional circumstances package jointly funded by the Commonwealth and Queensland Governments under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.
Federal Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch welcomed the funding announcement saying it was exactly the certainty that is needed during the current coronavirus pandemic.
He said delivery of these projects will be rolled out until June 2021.
“This funding will allow councils across the region to plan their works and ensure they keep locals employed,” Mr Entsch said.
“Every job created is supporting a local family and that is critically important.
“It also gives these council certainty to plan and deliver a pipeline of works that will be critically important in the recovery phase of the coronavirus pandemic.”
Federal Emergency Management Minister David Littleproud said the funding is in addition to more than $81 million already approved for stronger, more resilient infrastructure.
“While we are currently living in uncertain times, the Commonwealth and Queensland Governments have not lost sight of making our communities safer the next time a disaster hits,” Mr Littleproud said.
“This funding will secure better roads and community infrastructure for disaster-affected parts of Queensland. It will protect Queenslanders and the towns they live in.”
Projects to receive funding include:
Aurukun Shire Council:
Infill scoured sections of Aurukun Access Road and stabilise embankments, $1.2 million
Cook Shire Council:
Upgrade crossings on five sites along Esk Valley Road with concrete culverts, $584,000
Upgrade nine gravel floodways along Flaggy Road, $712,000
Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council:
Causeways on sections of Punsand Bay Road, $211,000
Douglas Shire Council:
Upgrade crossings on Zig Zag Road, $2.1 million
Improve drainage on Cape Tribulation-Bloomfield Road, $3.1 million
Seal sections of the access road within Foxton Park, $39,000
Replace handrails on the bridge crossing Daintree Water Intake, $13,000