Time to showcase Leichhardt

IT’S time again to launch the Leichhardt Community Calendar photography competition so whether you’ve captured a stunning landscape, a striking portrait, some iconic wildlife or fierce weather, Federal Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch wants to hear from you. Entries are now being accepted for the annual competition from which Mr Entsch will choose the top…

Leichhardt youth set to take on Canberra

FEDERAL Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch has today congratulated four young locals on their selection for the National Indigenous Youth Parliament 2014. Mikaela French, 17 (Cairns), Myiesha Yoelu, 16 (Umagico, NPA), Adimin Mooka, 16 (Dauan Island) and Tanisha Pabai, 17 (Boigu Island) will travel to Canberra in May for the week-long program. “These young women…

Anzac Day for the troops 2014

FEDERAL MP Warren Entsch is urging people to donate to ex-service organisations rather than sending a traditional Anzac Day care package this month, as the number of Australian Defence Force personnel who are deployed overseas lessens. Since East Timor in 1999 there have been almost 72,000 ADF members who have served on overseas operations. By…

Entsch backs veterans in long campaign

LEICHHARDT MP Warren Entsch has strongly supported the Fair Indexation of military pensions in Parliament, saying that Australia’s veterans have waited a long time for reform. “This government was elected with a four-pillar policy for veterans and their families, which included recognising the unique nature of military service, maintaining a stand-alone Department of Veterans’ Affairs,…

Defence Forces Retirement Benefits Legislation Amendment (Far Indexation) Bill 2014

I certainly welcome the opportunity to speak on this bill today. Australia’s veterans have waited a long time for this reform. This government was elected with a four-pillar policy for veterans and their families, which included recognising the unique nature of military service, maintaining a stand-alone Department of Veterans’ Affairs, tackling mental health challenges faced…