Message clear on poor phone reception

MOBILE phone black spots in Leichhardt have come under the spotlight today with Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch hosting a roundtable for key community representatives with Paul Fletcher MP, the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Communications. Mr Fletcher is responsible for implementing the Government’s $100 million Mobile Black Spot Programme, which will improve mobile coverage…

Leichhardt school students awarded top prizes

LEICHHARDT MP Warren Entsch today congratulated students from Cairns who have been awarded one of the nation’s top prizes for Year 12 students undertaking Vocational Education and Training in School (VETiS). Five students from Redlynch State College, Smithfield State High School, Trinity Bay State High School and Woree State High School are among 500 students…

Key step reached on Nth Australia inquiry

LEICHHARDT MP Warren Entsch has today released an interim report from the Committee on Northern Australia, telling Parliament that the inquiry has generated a massive level of community interest and created “high expectations”. The Joint Select Committee on Northern Australia, of which Mr Entsch is the Chair, has been tasked with examining the potential of,…