Leichhardt students shine

FEDERAL Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch has warmly congratulated five local students who are recipients of a prestigious Australian Student Prize. “This is a fantastic achievement,” Mr Entsch said.  “As someone who left school at a young age, I have a real appreciation for the opportunities that education presents to young people.  “I hope that…

Create your own Christmas Dream

AS excited children start counting down the weeks until Christmas, it’s time once again for kids to put their creativity to paper to help design Federal MP Warren Entsch’s annual Christmas Card. “This year, the theme is A Christmas Dream,” Mr Entsch explained.  “It’s very broad and can mean different things to different children. “It…

Parish Hall milestone reached

AFTER a year of intensive fundraising, the Parish Hall Restoration Committee has today announced that the fundraising target for Stage 1 works on the historic Quetta Parish Hall has been reached. The news is a major milestone, and means that Stage 1 construction – comprising the removal of the asbestos roof and replacement with colour…

Renal Unit finally to open

FEDERAL Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch has welcomed news that the Bamaga Renal Unit will open its doors on the 18th of October. Mr Entsch met with Simone Kolaric, the chief executive of the Torres Strait-Northern Peninsula Hospital and Health Service, last week during a trip to Thursday Island. “I told Simone that we needed…